Monday, October 27, 2008

We're Finally Home!

There is nothing more exciting and more scary than bringing a brand new baby home.

Getting ready to go home and see the world!

We were so happy to go home. I kept asking, "Can we go home yet?" but they held us hostage for 48 hours.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Other people who came to visit us in the hospital.

Uncle Bryce and Aunt Melissa (our friends)

Patricia and Charlie (Garrett's Aunt and Uncle)

Uncle Chad and his girlfriend Renee (Garrett's brother)

Great-Grandma and Grandpa Walters (Garrett's grandparents)

We also saw:
Aunt Jen (Kelly's sister)
James and Emily (Kelly's niece and nephew)
Vicki Hester (Kelly's Principal)
Milli Turley (First grade teacher who works with Kelly)
Tami Warren (Secretary from Kelly's school)
Brendan and Jessica Christansen and Jeff Duncan (Garrett's Real Estate Team)
Wendi Cleckner and Sarah Sheller (Our Midwives)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This is why we love Garrett

Garrett was so overwhelmed with emotions that when he saw Bryce he just couldn't keep them in anymore. He's such a proud daddy.

Elese meets her Nana , Grandpa and Grandma Lambeth

Elese with her Grandma and Grandpa (Garrett's parents).

Elese and her Nana (Kelly's mom). The only person missing, my dad. I know he would have loved her the very minute he saw her.

WOW! Not what I was expecting.

Yes, I look like a chipmunk. Silly me, I actually thought that once the baby came out that I wouldn't look pregnant anymore, hah!

Drum roll please! Elese Makenna is here!

I actually can't believe we made her! What an amazing moment! I have never loved someone so much in my life.

Our Labor Story

Many are aware that we were planning a water birth at home, let's just say it didn't quite work out that way. So here's a little insight as to how that all played out. I was due October 19th and as usual with your first I was "late". I woke up at 1:35 Friday (the 24th) morning with contractions that were a little more regular then they had been prior to that day. Honestly I didn't pay attention to the duration of the contractions because I figured that they would do what contractions are supposed to do, intensify as the labor progressed. So I decided to sleep between contractions and let Garrett know when they were coming and when they were over. We also called our midwife and were instructed to call her when my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart for one hour. As my labor progressed I decided it might feel better to get in the birthing tub, and it was amazingly relaxing. The tub was so relaxing that I fell asleep several times. At about 8:00am my midwives and Doula showed up. Upon being checking I was only at 4cm which at that time I had the urge to push and was beginning to become really uncomfortable. My water broke at 4:00pm and I had only dilated to a 6. There are a lot of details in the middle that I will spare you from, so long story short, I labored at home with the urge to push for a total of 20 hours and only dilated to an 8. By 9:30pm my midwives felt at that time the baby was trying to tell us something (like "there is no way I am coming out this way.") so we made the decision and headed to the hospital at 10:00pm. Once at the hospital I received and epidural and continued to have contractions but my dilation reduced to a 7 and she "backed up" the birth canal. At 6:00am Saturday morning I was given pitocin with no progress and the her heart rate started to show signs of stress. Finally the Dr. suggested that I have a c-section. It was definitely not what we had planned for the arrival of our baby girl but knew it was going to be the best decision to get her out safely. Finally she arrived at 1:21 p.m., a healthy 8lbs 12 ozs. Come to find out she was facing the wrong direction, posterior, and had she been smaller I may have been able to get her out the good ol' fashioned way. We are so excited to be parents and are loving every minute of it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

3-D Ultasound

We decided that we couldn't wait to see our little girl's face so we had a 3-D ultrasound done. It was amazing to see the little one who was growing inside of me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We have a foot!

Today we went for the big ultrasound to find out what we are having. It has been a long time coming. I have to tell you that I don't like surprises, so when I was told I had to wait until I was 18 weeks pregnant to find out the gender, I wanted to pull my hair out in anticipation. So the dad to be took a little wobbly footage to have for a keepsake.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is our peanut!

I went to the doctor at 7 weeks to have an ultrasound. Although we still had our doubts that this pregnancy would stay, we were so excited to see a heartbeat. To date we had never had a heartbeat with our previous pregnancies. It was such an overwhelming moment for us. We both were pretty choked up over that fact that we will finally be blessed with a baby and be called mama and dada.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's a miracle!

As many may or may not already know, we had some issues with getting and staying pregnant. At the recommendation of my doctor, I was scheduled to have a hysterosalpingogram and was required to bring a negative pregnancy test to the procedure. So one fine February evening (the 5th to be exact) I went to the pharmacy to purchase a box of pregnancy tests. My procedure wasn't for another week but I figured what the heck, I'll take one to just see and since the box had come with three tests and I figured I had to use them at some point anyway, I took one. I took the test and walked away figuring it would say what all the other tests had said in the past "not" pregnant. I gave it 20 minutes to make sure it had enough time to decide what it was going to say. I approached the test with a glimmer of hope and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. The first revolutionary pee stick said pregnant. All I could think was "where's the not." So long story short we have a baby on the way.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're Bloggers

So we finally took the leap and became bloggers. I'm not sure what we're getting ourselves into, but here goes nothing!